If you want to learn how to crack software legally, then you have come to the right place.
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What you’ll learn
How to crack software serial number keys
Remove Nag Screen Reminders asking you to register
Convert Trial Software to Fully Functional Software
Extend 30-day Trial Period Software
Learn Reverse Engineering and Assembly Language
Protect your software by learning how software is being cracked
How to Crack Software For Fun by solving CrackMe Challenges
C/C++, delphi, VB, p-code, Assembly, C# programs covered
Removing obfuscation, unpacking, patching, creating keygens, loaders
and more…
Check out the course page
Welcome to my site. The objective of this website is to create awareness of a new field of study called Cracking Software Ethically (CSE). The purpose of CSE is to educate software developers of how software is being cracked. This knowledge will help developers find strategies to protect their software. It is based on the same concept as Ethical Hacking – whose purpose is to educate web developers and system admins on how their websites/services are being hacked – so that they will be better able to defend their website/services.